بِسْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ
The Definition of Fasting
Oh You who believe, Siyam has been prescribed for you,
As it was prescribed for those who came before you,
...That you may shield yourselves from Allah’s Wrath
A high and lofty goal and fasting was made the path,
An obligation, rather a mighty pillar of the faith
To abstain from everything that would cause the fast to break,
With an intention for worship from the time of sun’s rise
Until it sets on the horizon for its daily demise
Fasting has two pillars in which consensus was acquired
The first is abstaining from two physical desires
Desire for food and drink, and those of a sexual type
The second is that the intention must be done in the night
True dawn to sunset is the normal time frame observed
But in extreme places the nearest normal neighbor is preferred,
And it is a most virtuous act of worship, if you only knew
To release yourself from your desires, and become a better you
The virtues of fasting are too many to be counted,
And the reward from Allah is too great to be amounted,
But in this short introduction let it suffice to say,
...That it increases your taqwa, which you’ve witnessed every day
During the blessedness of the month, as well as a safeguard from evil
A protection from the Shayateen, those of the Jinn and people,
It’s a deed done only for Allah and so He will be the one to reward it
And it’s gate is Al-Rayyan, and only those who fasted will go towards it
The breath of those who fast, is more beloved than the scent of musk,
To Allah, and an Ummah bonded in worship daily from dawn till dusk,
Gone is gluttony and greed , replaced with compassion for those in need,
And a healthy rest given to bodies that all year we overfeed,
And indeed, one could go on and on
11 months is too long, so Welcome Welcome to Ramadan!
P/s: beautiful poem from akhie AmmarAlShukry
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